Taking a minor break from SPACs on our latest podcast we spoke to Greenbox POS (GBOX), a fintech that utilizes block chain technology to create custom payment solutions co-founded by Ben Errez. The company up-listed to Nasdaq earlier this year, and its newly created stablecoin, Coyni, will be a separately publicly traded entity led by Paul Levine.
Key Highlights:
- Blockchain technology key for payments, continuing digitization of all payments
- Its Gen3 has led to fully custodial + transactional stablecoin, backed by USD
- Stablecoin, Coyni, spun-off to maximize shareholder value in trading on a standalone valuation
- Will begin with a P2P payments app
- GBOX stock price has lagged, company is actively buying back shares
- Recently raised $100M in financing
- Volatility in crypto assets does not negatively affect Greenbox’s business
- Team believes increased, albeit the correct types, of regulation as a boon